HUAK 5G Test Lab.

HUAK 5G Mobile Communication Automated Test System:

Our advantage:
■ Keep updated with the EU RED directive, FCC directive, and China SRRC to ensure that customers are in sync with the market;
■ Accord with the CE/FCC/SRRC/MIC/KC certification test of LTE CA/5G Sub-6G;
■ Support unattended test;
■ The test process is automated, and the efficiency is improved

Certification standards:
Europe: EN301908-25 (Reference standard TS38.521-1/TS38.521-3);
United States: FCC Part 22/24/27/90/96;
China: SRRC 3GPP 38.521-1/-3, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [2019] No. 532, etc.;