REACH Certification

Address:1-2F, B2 Building, Junfeng Zhongcheng Zhizao Innovation Park,
Heping Community, Fuhai Street,Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China

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Phone: +86-135-28437881
Whatsapp: +86-135-28437881

What is REACH Certification?

REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization & Restriction on Chemical Use. The regulation (EC 1907/2006) was introduced in the European Union in 2006. The authorization body, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), is based in Helsinki, Finland.

REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals). Regulation number is (EC) No 1907/2006. This is a chemical regulatory system established by the European Union and implemented from 1 June 2007. The REACH directive requires that all chemicals imported and produced in Europe must go through a comprehensive set of procedures such as registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction, in order to better and simpler identification of chemical ingredients to achieve the purpose of ensuring environmental protection and human safety. The directive mainly has several major contents such as registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction.

The chemical products and substances manufactured and imported into the European Union need REACH certification. It governs the law of the chemical industry on international quality compliance.

After the successful implementation of REACH, the companies that make chemical products and import into European Markets have to do their product registration. It only applies to companies producing more than 1 tone of chemicals annually. The initiative was introduced to safeguard the environment as per standards and reduce the amount of hazardous substances released into it.

The REACH certification is essential for EU and non-EU companies who import their products into the European market. Hence, the companies outside the EU must also follow this rule.


Shenzhen HUAK is your reliable partner for getting REACH compliance certificate by meeting all the quality standards. Reach out to us for your product to avail these benefits-

  • Enter the EU market by registering your product that has chemical substances in it
  • Our experts will assist you in qualifying for the REACH registration process
  • Get your REACH compliance certificate at an affordable cost
  • Build your product trust among customers
  • Your products get long-term EU market access.

Scope & exemptions under REACH

REACH has a wide scope and applies to every product with chemical substances. Whether the products are produced, sold, imported, distributed, or used in the European Community, either individually or with other products, REACH applies to them.

Few substances are entirely exempted from the scope of REACH and few are partly exempted. The list of exemptions includes-

  • Radioactive substances
  • Those under customs supervision
  • Non-isolated intermediates
  • Transport of substances
  • Waste

The substances that are exempted from certain aspects of REACH but are regulated under other existing EU legislation are-

  • Medicinal products for human/veterinary use
  • Food/feeding stuff
  • Plant products and biocides

How To Apply For REACH Testing

Shenzhen HUAK is highly equipped for REACH Testing that your product needs to meet global standards. We provide single-window clearance for all the documentation processes following REACH guidelines. Get the testing done with timely reports on the compliance of your product while ensuring its safety from hazardous substances.

Send the test device and application form to easily Apply for REACH certification today!

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