TELEC Certification

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What is TELEC certification in Japan?

Japan’s Radio Law requires type approval (technical regulatory compliance certification) for designated radio equipment. TELEC certification is mandatory, and the certification body is a registration certification body recognized by MIC in the specified range of radio equipment. TELEC (Telecom Engineering Center) is the main registration certification body for the conformity certification of radio equipment in Japan, and TELEC is also called MIC certification in Japan. TELEC is one of the certification agencies designated by MIC, so it is collectively referred to as TELEC certification…… get a quote for..

What is TELEC?

Telecom Engineer Center (TELEC) is a Japanese testing organization and radio equipment certification. The body regulates technical conformity certification of radio products in Japan and has been operating for the last 40 years. Today, TELEC has expanded its horizons to measure equipment and other testing . Apart from technical regulations conformity certification, TELEC also covers social contribution projects.

Services offered by TELEC

  • Radio Equipment Conformity Assessment
  • Calibration of Measuring Equipment
  • Radio Devices Testing
  • Terminal Equipment Conformity Certification
  • EMC/ RF Testing for the USA , EU and Other Countries
  • Social Contribution Activities

Classification: TELEC Certification

TELEC certification can be classified into Test Certification and Type Certification.

For each product unit, the test certification is verified. It is only valid for each certified individual unit.

The type certification verifies a sample from a batch of equipment with the same designs and features. All the products need not be verified. If the sample passes the verification, the certification is valid for the entire batch of products. The equipment can be recertified if any manufacturing process or product design changes.

One important thing to note is that using non-low power radio stations with their terminal requirements requires a MIC license. For telecommunications terminal equipment, there are two cases to get compliance certification. According to Telecommunications Business Law requirements, the ordinary telephone device needs JATE Certification.

Second, in addition to JATE Certification, wireless terminal equipment requires TELEC certification as the Radio Law requires.

Benefits of TELEC Certification

  • Provides Legal Benefits to the manufacturer, such as no imposition of penalties.
  • Comprehensive Market Access by providing trustable and safe devices.
  • Guarantees Risk-free instruments as it indicates that a product is tested and verified.
  • Competitive Advantage over competitors.

Application process

  • Fill in the application form, prepare samples
  • The testing agency reviews the data and samples
  • It will apply to the MIC-approved agency
  • Sample test at authorized laboratory and reports
  • The Japanese MIC will issue a certificate after the documents and test reports are passed

Application Requirements

  • Technical product specification
  • Quality management system statement
  • Quality control confirmation method/manufacturer’s ISO 9001 certificate
  • Construction guarantee confirmation
  • Rated power declaration
  • Antenna report
  • Test report including test results, test setup photos, and inspections performed
  • Material list, Block diagram, schematic diagram, parts placement, product description, user manual, operation/technical description, IC datasheet, internal and external photos
  • Label information
  • Agent or authorized representative of the manufacturer – Authorization letter

Choose Shenzhen HUAK for TELEC Certification

Shenzhen HUAK will be available 24*7 to solve all your queries. We explain everything regarding the TELEC Certification. Get expert advice on document requirements for your product. We don’t stop at applying, come over for the renewal process as well. For all radio equipment, we are well informed about the registration. Achieve TELEC Certification and start your business with confidence.

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