PSE Certification of Japan

Address:1-2F, B2 Building, Junfeng Zhongcheng Zhizao Innovation Park,
Heping Community, Fuhai Street,Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China

[email protected]
Phone: +86-135-28437881
Whatsapp: +86-135-28437881



PSE certification is a mandatory safety certification in Japan to prove that electrical and electronic products have passed the safety standards tested by the Japanese Electrical and Material Safety Law (DENAN Law) or the International IEC standard. Japan’s DENTORL Law (Electrical Appliances and Materials Control Law) stipulates that 498 products must pass safety certification to enter the Japanese market. Among them, 165 class A products should obtain the diamond-shaped PSE mark, and 333 Class B products should obtain the circular PSE mark……

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