What is California Proposition 65?

  1. The content of California Proposition 65:

California Proposition 65,also known as CA65, CP65 or PROP 65. California Proposition 65 was issued in November 1986. The purpose of the bill is to control the use of toxic and hazardous substances to prevent and reduce harm to the human body and the environment. Protect California residents and the state’s drinking water sources from substances known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive and developmental harm, and truthfully notify residents when such substances appear in products. California’s 65 controlled substances list is issued by OEHHA and updated quarterly. It was first published in 1987. Products sold to California must comply with California Law 65. The list is updated at least once a year, and currently more than 960 chemical substances are included in the list.


2. Products covered:

California Proposition 65 affects all consumer products (adult or children’s products) sold or distributed in California, including but not limited to:

  • Cosmetics and laptop cases;
  • CD/DVD wallets and storage bags, nursery supplies, cosmetics and ropes;
  • Electrical products and equipment;
  • Glasses and glasses;
  • Food contact products, footwear, furniture, clothing;
  • Glass and ceramic products for food and non-food use;
  • Inflatable supplies;
  • Key chains and charms;
  • Pet supplies;
  • cosmetic;
  • Toy


3.Period of validity:

Generally speaking, California 65 certification does not have a specific validity period, but if the regulatory standards are updated, the California 65 report must be updated. And the old version will become invalid.


  1. California 65 certification test items and limits:

California 65 certification mainly tests products for total lead, total cadmium, phthalic acid, and bisphenol A. It should be noted that the lead content limit requires 100ppm and the cadmium content limit requires 300ppm.